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31st August 2023

Annual Benefit Statements 2023 for Active Members

Annual Benefit Statements 2023 for Active Members

This year's annual benefit statements for actively contributing scheme members are in the post now!

Every year we send all actively contributing scheme members an annual benefit statement which details the current value of their LGPS pension, along with a projection of how much we think it will be worth at their normal pension age.

To help you better understand your annual benefit statement we have put together the following videos which you can watch on our YouTube channel:

You can also find answers to all your questions about the statements here, and find FAQ about the LGPS here.

Useful Forms:

Expression of Wish form - to submit a nomination or update an existing nomination.

Change of Name

Change of Address

If you have any further queries you can contact the pensions team by email on or by phone on 03330 138 384.